Ipswich 100 Proves to be a Challenging Course
Australian Footbikers were represented at the Ipswich 100 by Bruce Cook and Alan Stewart on the 100km course, and Lyn Armstrong and Deb Stewart on the 50km.
The 100km course wove through Ipswich, Mt Walker, Limestone Ridges, Peak Crossing and Yamanto with a plethora of relentless inclines and open roads which did little to stop the continuous headwind that buffered the cyclists and kickbikers. A good number of cyclists pulled out as the day heated up, humidity was high, and a strong headwind took its toll.
The 50km course meandered through Ipswich, Rosewood and Walloon, with many steady inclines and one particularly challenging hill.
The boys on the 100km course left at 7.30am, while the 50km began at 8am.
While waiting for the 50km to start, Lyn was approached by some men who were fascinated by the Kickbike. After a good chat, lots of laughter and one of the men, Paul who had a quick spin around on Lyn’s kickbike, Lyn and Deb soon discovered that Paul was actually Paul Pisasale, Mayor of the City of Ipswich.
When it came time for the Mayor (or ‘my new Mayor friend, Paul’ as Lyn was now able to refer to him as) to make a short speech before the take off on the 50km, he called Lyn out the front of the other cyclists to show them what a kickbike was. He also informed the rest of the riders not to think they were doing it hard on the ride – they atleast had pedals and a seat!
Both Bruce and Alan entered this race injured due to some freaky non-kickbiking incidents in the previous week. As a result Alan was unable to bend one leg effectively or drop down to make the most of any downhill which meant that he had to change his kicking style resulting in bonking (hitting the wall) at 75km, and Bruce’s back gave out at the 30km mark!
Alan managed to finish the course, but understandably was disappointed with his time. Bruce, unable to bend and in terrible pain still continued up to the 70km mark, and then had to admit defeat… his first ever time pulling out of a race in all of his years of kickbiking. Mind you – any other mortal would have died at 31km. Respectful effort guys – you gave Kickbikers (and the sport of footbiking) a good name on the day with your ‘do or die attitudes’ and determination.
Deb finished the course at a time of 2hrs 38mins, and cursed that the finish line lay at the top of a steep incline. But the enthusiastic welcome from organisers and spectators made that last effort all worth it.
Lyn completed the 50km in just over 3 hours, stopping to make new friends at Rosewood, and kicked up to the finish line to chat with the organisers… and no doubt, her ‘new Mayor friend’ again!
Overall, the day was a success. The organisers did a brilliant job at choosing a route that avoided heavy traffic and detailed lovely scenery. The council had also been busy all week before filling pot holes that had appeared with the unusually heavy rain experienced over the last two weeks. Thank you, from the riders!
The courses were well-marked, and the Marshalls – volunteers and the SES were all delightful, supportive and very helpful. The drink stops and the finish line spoiled riders with chilled water, sports drinks, soft drinks, a sausage sizzle, buns, watermelon, bananas… and much more.
There were physios and massages available at the end of the ride, as well as great music, and many smiling faces.
A big thank you to the organisers and sponsors of the event from the Australian Footbike Association – we’ll definitely be there again next year!
Thanks for the great positive comments about the Ipswich100 Ride.
On behalf of the Moggill Mt Crosby Lions Club who organised and ran the event, thanks for your support. I don’t know about those hills though – I didn’t feel them when I drove the course in my car!! Just kidding – most of us are cyclists so appreciate what is needed for this sort of ride.
Check out the ride web site (ipswich100.com.au) for photos of the ride.
See you in 2010!!
Bruce Glover